*All historic production information from Nevada
Bureau of Mines & Geology, Bulletin 51 Bulletin 92. US short tons have been converted to metric
tonnes by multiplying short tons by 0.9072 AuEq =
(historic silver production times historic silver
price) divided by historic gold price) plus historic
gold production AgEq = (historic gold production
times historic gold price) divided by historic silver price) plus historic silver production
**Technical information relating to the Tonopah
West Project is based on and derived from the NI
43 101 report prepared for Blackrock entitled
“Technical Report and Estimate of Mineral
Resources for the Tonopah West Silver Gold
Project, Nye and Esmeralda Counties, Nevada,
USA” effective April 28, 2022 (the “Technical
Report”). AgEq equivalent grade is based on silver
and gold prices of US$20/ounce and
US$1750/ounce, respectively, and recoveries for
silver and gold of 87% and 95%, respectively.
***Source: S&P Global; Company reports as of December 28, 2022. AgEq resources and grade reflect only silver and gold (M&I and I) resources (excludes base metals) for deposits larger than 40 million ounces AgEq
*****See news release dated January 10,2023
***** See news release dated December 7, 2022